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Recent Teaching





Recent Talks and Workshops (since April 2019)



April 21, 1-5 PM: Computational Justice Workshop (hands-on agent-based simulation in Python), Heart of the Machine series, Pioneerworks, Brooklyn, NY


May 13-14: Context and Episodic Memory (CEMS), Philadelphia, PA


May 16-18: Control Processes 2019, Brown University, Providence, RI


May 28-29: Talk and visit, Computational Neuroscience Center, University of Washington, Seatle, WA


July 10, 1-5PMStructure for Efficient Reinforcement Learning (SERL) Workshop
4th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), Montreal, Canada


August 8-17: "Cognitive Maps" at MIND19 summer school for computational methods in neuroscience at Dartmouth​


September 10-13: What is biological Computation? Santa Fe Institute


November  7: Talk at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


November 19: Talk at Georgetown University 


December  6:  Talk & workshop at Harvard University


December 13: Talk & panel discussion at NeurIPS Workshop, Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning




idamo [at]
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