Ida Momennejad
Google Scholar Profile
Bluesky: @neuroAI
I enjoy creative writing and collaborations at the intersection of art and science.
Selected creative writing
Momennejad (2024) Grief makes us time travelers, NYTimes [ link ].
Momennejad (2023) The logic of memory, Philosophical Salon, LA Review of Books [ link ].
art + science
Since 2023 I am delighted to serve as a mentor at the New Inc, the incubator for creative science, the New Museum.
Over the years I have had the fortune of collaborating with exceptional artists. I've also served on the jury of TADAEX (Tehran annual digital art exhibition) and New Inc (NYC).
We've displayed our work at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Berlin, Peggy Guggenheim museum in Venice, Lauba in Zagreb, Parson's the new school for design in NYC, Radial System V in Berlin, and Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London.
Below is a selection.
Seeing with eyes closed (2011), with Ivana Franke [ + book ]
A collective memory (2009), with Azin Feyzabadi
Sound, Space, Body, a Process (2011), with Louise Wagner [ + book ]
Performance research experiment 2.2 (2014), with Jess Curtis
Book chapters
Momennejad I, Allahyari M (2017) Refiguring: in Conversation. Futureproof, Haverford College, Haverford, PA, pp 16-31.
Momennejad I (2011) Thinking in movements, rehearsing freedom. In: Wagner L and Gomes-Carrillo de Castro Eds., Sounds, Space, Body, a process. Ernst Schering Foundation and Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:115-125.
Momennejad I (2011) Seeing with eyes closed: the neuro-epistemology of perceptual reality. In: Agudio E and Franke I Eds., Seeing with eyes closed. Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:15-21.
Momennejad I and Franke I (2011) Two practices of seeing with eyes closed: contemporary art and science in dialogue. In: Agudio E and Franke I Eds., Seeing with eyes closed. Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:9-13.
Talk videos
"Re-figuring". Presented our work on memory, planning, and social networks at Refiguring, Eyebeam (technology by artists), Spring 2017, Brooklyn, NY. Here is a video of the wonderful panel discussion with artists.
A video of talk "Critical epistemic practice" at UNLEARNING THE GIVEN, exhibition and workshop in Berlin, 2016.
A video of workshop on "Music and emotions" at the Institut fuer Raumexperimente, Berlin, 2012.
A video of workshop "Seeing with eyes closed: Experiments with light" at the Institut fuer Raumexperimente, Berlin, 2010.