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Ida Momennejad
Google Scholar Profile
Bluesky: @neuroAI
Media: Talks, outreach, press
A video of talk at the Stanford Psychology Colloquium "Predictive representations in memory and planning", Stanford University, 2017.
A video of talk on eLife paper "Offline Replay Supports Planning" at CCN 2017 (Cognitive Computational Neuroscience conference), Columbia Univesity, New York.
Video of MIND2017 workshop, "Thinking in graphs (Day 2): Social temporal networks and collective memory", Dartmouth college, 2017.
Video of MIND2017 workshop, "Thinking in graphs (Day 1): Cognitive maps & memory replay", Dartmouth college, 2017
A video of keynote talk "Predictive maps: What does it mean to have human-like memory and agency?" (min 16 onward), at Facets Conference 2017, The Future of AI, Goethe Institut, New York.
MIND 2018, Methods in Neuroscience Summer School 2018
Talk & panel discussion at NeurIPS 2019 Workshop, Biological and Artificial Reinforcement Learning
Talk at MIND 2019, Methods in Neuroscience Summer School 2019, Dartmouth
Deep mind blog post featuring a new article on predictive representations as well as my paper on the successor representation.
Spinney L (7 March 2017) "How facebook, fake news and friends are warping your memory. Research on collective recall takes on new importance in a post-fact world". Nature feature on our work on collective memory
My multi-agent model of the long term costs of gender disparity & interventions was mentioned by this article in Science.
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