Ida Momennejad
Google Scholar Profile
Bluesky: @neuroAI
I'm a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research NYC. In this role, I broadly focus on building and evaluating generative AI, inspired by my research in cognitive neuroscience, reinforcement learning, and NeuroAI.
Specifically, I study how humans and AI build models of the world and use them in memory, exploration, & planning. I build and test brain & behavior inspired algorithms for learning & reasoning, e.g., AI for gaming with Xbox. My approach combines reinforcement learning, neural networks, large language models, & machine learning with behavioral experiments, fMRI, & electrophysiology.
Most Fridays (4 PM ET) I cohost The Learning Salon (with John Krakauer & Melanie Mitchell).
I am delighted to serve as a mentor at the New Museum's New Inc, the incubator for creative science.
If you prefer podcasts, I discuss my work on AI and Rethinking intelligence with Ashley Lorens at the Microsoft Research AI frontiers podcast. Moreover, BrainInspired & Parsing Science have kindly featured earlier work, as well as our panels on Deep RL and Dopamine & Advancing Neuro Deep learning.
Academic Background​
My training is in cognitive computational neuroscience (via computer science and philosophy). I've previously worked at Columbia University, Electrophysiology, Memory, and Navigation Lab, did my postdoc at Princeton (where I collaborated with Ken Norman, Matt Botvinick, Jon Cohen, Nathaniel Daw), my PhD was in psychology (Berlin, Germany, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience), BSc in software engineering (Tehran, Iran), & MSc in Philosophy of Science (Utrecht, Netherlands).
Publications & preprints

Taylor Webb*, Shanka Subra Mondal*, Yi Wan, Brian Krabach, Ida Momennejad (2023) A prefrontal cortex-inspired architecture for planning in Large Language Models.
Ida Momennejad*, Hosein Hasanbeig*, Felipe Vieira Frujeri*, Hiteshi Sharma, Robert Ness, Nebojsa Jojic, Hamid Palangi, Jonathan Larson (2023) Evaluating cognitive maps and planning in Large Language Models with CogEval.
[ arXiv ] [ GitHub ] [ conversation logs ] NeurIPS 2023.

Ida Momennejad (forthcoming) Memory and Planning in Brains and Machines: Multiscale Predictive Representations.
To appear in Space, Time, and Memory, Edited by Lynn Nadel and Sara Aronovitz, forthcoming book in Oxford University Press. [ arxiv ]

Eleni Nisioti, Sebastian Risi, Ida Momennejad, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Clement Moulin-Frier (2024) Collective Innovation in Groups of Large Language Models. ALife 2024. [ arXiv ]

Safoora Yousefi, Leo Betthauser, Hosein Hasanbeig, Raphael Milliere, Ida Momennejad (2023) Decoding In-Context Learning: Neuroscience-inspired Analysis of Representations in Large Language Models.
[ arXiv ]

Hosein Hasanbeig, Hiteshi Sharma, Leo Betthauser, Felipe Vieira Frujeri,
Ida Momennejad (2023) ALLURE: Auditing and improving LLM-based evaluation of text using iterative in-context-learning.
[ arXiv ]

Sugandha Sharma, Guy Davidson, Khimya Khetarpal, Anssi Kanervisto, Udit Arora, Katja Hofmann, Ida Momennejad (2024) Toward Human-AI Alignment in Large-Scale Multi-Player Games.
[ arXiv ]

Imitating Human Behavior with Diffusion Models (2023) Pearce, Rashid, Kanervisto, Bigness, Sun, Georgescu, Mac, Zheng Tan, Momennejad, Hofmann, Devlin. ICLR 2023 [ link ]

Ali Rahimi-Kalahroudi, Janarthanan Rajendran, Ida Momennejad, Harm van Seijen, Sarath Chandar (2023) Replay Buffer With Local Forgetting for Adaptive Deep Model-Based Reinforcement Learning. CoLLAs 2023.
[ arXiv ]

Stephanie Milani, Arthur Juliani, Ida Momennejad, Raluca Georgescu, Jaroslaw Rzpecki, Alison Shaw, Gavin Costello, Fei Fang, Sam Devlin, Katja Hofmann (2023) Navigates Like Me: Understanding How People Evaluate Human-Like AI in Video Games. ACM CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 2023. [ arXiv ]

Ida Momennejad (2022) A Rubric for Human-like Agents and NeuroAI.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
[ journal link ] [ free preprint arXiv ]
Eigen Memory Trees (2022) Mark Rucker, Jordan T. Ash, John Langford, Paul Mineiro, Ida Momennejad
In revision [ arXiv ]
Social Network Structure Shapes Innovation: Experience-sharing in RL with SAPIENS (2022) Eleni Nisioti, Mateo Mahaut, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Ida Momennejad, Clément Moulin-Frier
In revision [ arXiv ] [ Github Repo ]
Interaction-Grounded Learning with Action-inclusive Feedback
(2022) Tengyang Xie, Akanksha Saran, Dylan J. Foster, Lekan Molu, Ida Momennejad, Nan Jiang, Paul Mineiro, John Langford
NeurIPS 2022 [ arXiv preprint]
Towards Evaluating Adaptivity of Model-Based Reinforcement Learning Methods (2022) Yi Wan, Ali Rahimi-Kalahroudi, Janarthanan Rajendran, Ida Momennejad, Sarath Chandar, Harm van Seijen [ arXiv ]
ICML 2022
NeuroNav: A Library for Neuroscience Inspired Learning (2022) Julliani, Barnett, Davis, Sereno, Momennejad, RLDM
[ arXiv ] [ Githib Repo ]
PARSR: Priority Adjusted Replay for Successor Representation (2022)
Barnett, Momennejad, RLDM 2022
Describeland: One-Shot Learning from a Demonstration with Hierarchical Latent Language (2022) Nathaniel Weir, Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre Cote, Matthew Hausknecht, Romain Laroche, Ida Momennejad, Harm Van Seijen, Benjamin Van Durme. AAMAS.
How Humans Perceive Human-like Behavior in Video Game Navigation (2022) Zuniga*, Milani*, Leroy*, Rzepecki, Georgescu, Momennejad, Bignell, Sun, Shaw, Costello, Jacob, Devlin, Hofmann.
CHI Late Breaking Work, 2022. [ PDF ]
Momennejad I (2021) Collective Minds: Social Network Topology Shapes Collective Cognition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 377 (1843): 20200315.
[ PhilTrans , PDF ]
Brunec I, Momennejad I (2021) Predictive Representations in Hippocampal and Prefrontal Hierarchies. Journal of Neuroscience 19 November 2021, JN-RM-1327-21.
[ JNeuro Link , free PDF ]
Pudhiyidath A, Morton NW, Viveros Duran R, Schapiro AC, Momennejad I, Hinojosa-Rowland DM, Molitor RJ, Preston AR (2022-accepted) Representations of temporal community structure in hippocampus and precuneus predict inductive reasoning decisions.
The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [ bioRxiv ]

Momennejad I*, Krakauer J*, Sun C, Yezeretz E, Rajan K, Vogelstein J, Wyble B (2021) The Learning Salon: Toward a new participatory science. Neuron.
[ Neuron link, PDF ]

Vlasceanu M, Dudik M, Momennejad I (2021) Network Structure, Gender Diversity, and Interdisciplinarity Predict the Centrality of AI Organizations.
[ psyRxiv PDF ]

Russek EM, Momennejad I, Botvinick M, Gershman S, Daw N (2021) Neural evidence for the successor representation in choice evaluation.
[ bioRxiv PDF ]

Xie T, Lanford J, Mineiro P, Momennejad I (2021) Interaction Grounded Learning. ICML 2021. [ arXiv PDF ]
Devlin S*, Georgescu R*, Momennejad I*, Rzepecki J*, Zuniga E*, Costello G, Leroy G, Shaw A, Hofmann K (2021) Navigation Turing Test (NTT): Learning to Evaluate Human-Like Navigation. ICML 2021. [ arXiv PDF ]
Momennejad I (2020) Learning Structures: Predictive Representations, Replay, and Generalization. Current Opinions in Behavioral sciences.
[ PDF]
Brunec I, Momennejad I (2019) Predictive Representations in Hippocampal and Prefrontal Hierarchies.
[ bioRxiv preprint ]
Sievers B, Momennejad I (2019) SAMPL: Spreading Activation and Memory Plasticity Model.
[ bioRxiv preprint , Model Code on GitHub ]

Momennejad I, Sinclair S, Cikara M (2019) Computational justice: Simulating structural bias and interventions.
[ bioRxiv preprint , 04/21/2019: python workshop ]

Zorowitz S, Momennejad I, Daw N (2020) Anxiety, avoidance, and sequential evaluation. Computational Psychiatry, 0 0:0, February, 1–17.
[ Link to published paper , see 2019 bioRxiv preprint ]

Momennejad I, Duker A, Coman A (2019) Bridge ties bind collective memories. Nature Communications.
[ Open access paper , Podcast ]

Momennejad I, Norman KA, Cohen JD, Singh S, Lewis RL (2019). Rational use of Episodic and Working Memory: A Normative Account of Prospective Memory. BioRxiv, 580324 https://doi.org/10.1101/580324.
[ bioRxiv preprint, SfN poster ]

Momennejad I, Howard M (2018) Predicting the future with multi-scale successor representations.
[ bioRxiv preprint, status: in revision ]

Momennejad I, Otto RA, Daw N, Norman KA (2018) Offline replay supports planning in human reinforcement learning. eLife 2018;7:e32548.

Russek E*, Momennejad I*, Botvinick MM, Gershman SJ, Daw N (2017) Predictive representations can link model-based reinforcement learning to model-free mechanisms. Plos Comp Biol.
[ Journal link, PDF, bioRxiv preprint, CODE ]

Momennejad I*, Russek E*, Cheong JH, Botvinick MM, Daw N, Gershman SJ (2017) The successor representation in human reinforcement learning: evidence from retrospective revaluation. Nature Human Behaviour, 1. [ Nat Hum Beh paper , PDF, free preprint , my python tutorials comparing SR & SR-Dyna, blogpost from Deepmind ]

Coman A, Momennejad I, Drach R, Geana A (2016) Mnemonic convergence in social networks: The emergent properties of cognition at a collective level. PNAS. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1525569113.
[ Journal link , Podcast ]

Wisniewsky D, Reverberi C, Momennejad I, Kahnt T, Haynes J-D (2016) The role of parietal cortex in the representation of task-reward-association. The Journal of Neuroscience. [ Journal link ]

Haynes J-D, Wisniewsky D, Gorgen K, Momennejad I, Reverberi C (2015) fMRI decoding of intentions: compositionality, hierarchy, and prospective memory. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 3rd International Winter Conference. doi: 10.1109/IWW-BCI.2015.7073031. [ IEEE link ]
Momennejad I, Haynes J-D (2013) Encoding of prospective tasks in the human prefrontal cortex under varying task load. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(44):17342-17349. [ Journal link + PDF file ]

Momennejad I, Haynes J-D (2012) Human anterior prefrontal cortex encodes the 'what' and 'when' of future intentions. Neuroimage 61(1):139-48.
Recent Teaching
"Justice through code" 2020 Teaching Python to the formerly incarcerated, Columbia Center for Justice
MIND 2019 "Cognitive Maps" computational summer school (Methods In Neuroscience at Dartmouth)
- Lecture, tutorial, and hackathon team.
MIND 2018 computational summer school (Methods In Neuroscience at Dartmouth)
- Lecture, tutorial, and hackathon team.
MIND 2017 computational summer school (Methods In Neuroscience at Dartmouth)
- Two Lectures, tutorial, and hackathon team.
Introduction to cognitive neuroscience - with Mattew Botvinick at Princeton University
Math bootcamp - with Carlos Brody at Princeton University
Sample Talks and Workshops (April-September 2019)
April 21, 1-5 PM: Computational Justice Workshop (hands-on agent-based simulation in Python), Heart of the Machine series, Pioneerworks, Brooklyn, NY
May 13-14: Context and Episodic Memory (CEMS), Philadelphia, PA
May 16-18: Control Processes 2019, Brown University, Providence, RI
May 28-29: Talk and visit, Computational Neuroscience Center, University of Washington, Seatle, WA
July 10, 1-5PM: Structure for Efficient Reinforcement Learning (SERL) Workshop
4th Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), Montreal, Canada
August 8-17: "Cognitive Maps" at MIND19 summer school for computational methods in neuroscience at Dartmouth​
September 10-13: What is biological Computation? Santa Fe Institute
Book chapters
Momennejad I, Allahyari M (2017) Refiguring: in Conversation. Futureproof, Haverford College, Haverford, PA, pp 16-31.
Momennejad I (2011) Thinking in movements, rehearsing freedom. In: Wagner L and Gomes-Carrillo de Castro Eds., Sounds, Space, Body, a process. Ernst Schering Foundation and Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:115-125.
Momennejad I (2011) Seeing with eyes closed: the neuro-epistemology of perceptual reality. In: Agudio E and Franke I Eds., Seeing with eyes closed. Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:15-21.
Momennejad I and Franke I (2011) Two practices of seeing with eyes closed: contemporary art and science in dialogue. In: Agudio E and Franke I Eds., Seeing with eyes closed. Association of Neuroesthetics: Berlin, pp:9-13.
Media: Talks, outreach, press
A video of talk at the Stanford Psychology Colloquium "Predictive representations in memory and planning", Stanford University, 2017.
A video of talk on our elife paper"Offline Replay Supports Planning" at CCN 2017 (Cognitive Computational Neuroscience conference), Columbia Univesity, New York.
Video of MIND2017 workshop, "Thinking in graphs (Day 2): Social temporal networks and collective memory", Dartmouth college, 2017.
Video of MIND2017 workshop, "Thinking in graphs (Day 1): Cognitive maps & memory replay", Dartmouth college, 2017.
Video of MIND2018 workshop, Dartmouth college, 2018.
A video of keynote talk "Predictive maps: What does it mean to have human-like memory and agency?" (min 16 onward), at Facets Conference 2017, The Future of AI, Goethe Institut, New York.
Deep mind blog post featuring a new article on predictive representations as well as my paper on the successor representation.
Spinney L (7 March 2017) "How facebook, fake news and friends are warping your memory. Research on collective recall takes on new importance in a post-fact world". Nature feature on our work on collective memory